
Gears of war 1 pc
Gears of war 1 pc

gears of war 1 pc

So the basic formula to entering cheats AND any other command into Gears of War is: The cheat would be: set WarfareGame.WeapAssaultRifle MagSize 1000 So let's say that you want to edit the clip size, it's the line MagSize=60 so what you need to do is to go in the console in game type set, then where the line is located which in this example would be the lancer section and then the line itself, and last but not least the new value for the line let's say now that you want a clip of 1000 rounds.

gears of war 1 pc

You can't edit the ini file by itself because of a runtime error so you need to look for the line you want to change and then do it in the console while playing. If you wish to modify a weapon you need to open up the WarWeapon.ini file in the root Gears of War Config folder, then look down until you find the weapon you want to edit. Set WarfareGameContent.PawnGeistBerzerker defaulthealth Set WarfareGameContent.KryllFlockRaam DamagePerKryllPerSecond

gears of war 1 pc

Set WarfareGameContent.PawnGeistGeneralRaam defaulthealth Use the following console codes to lower the health of enemies. Note: Using cheat codes will disable the earning of certain achievements. Set WarfareGameContentWeapons.WeapBoomer maxspareammo 99999 Add Ammo Set warfaregame.weapshotgun maxspareammo 99999 Add Ammo Set warfaregame.weaplocustassaultrifle maxspareammo 99999 Add Ammo Set warfaregame.weapcogpistol maxspareammo 99999 Add Ammo Set warfaregame.weaplocustpistol maxspareammo 99999 Add Ammo Set WarfareGameContentWeapons.WeapBow MaxSpareAmmo 99999 Add Ammo Set WarfareGame.WeapSniperRifle MaxSpareAmmo 99999 Add Ammo Set WarfareGame.WeapGrenade MaxSpareAmmo 99999 Add Ammo

gears of war 1 pc

Set WarfareGame.WeapAssaultRifle MaxSpareAmmo 99999 Add Ammo Set WarfareGameContent.PawnCOGGus DefaultHealth 99999 Increased Health Gus Set WarfareGameContent.PawnCOGMinh DefaultHealth 99999 Increased Health Minh Set WarfareGameContent.PawnCOGBaird DefaultHealth 99999 Increased Health Baird Set WarfareGameContent.PawnCOGCarmine DefaultHealth 99999 Increased Health Carmine Set WarfareGame.PawnCOGDom DefaultHealth 99999 Increased Health Dom Set WarfareGame.PawnCOGMarcus DefaultHealth 99999 Increased Health Marcus Now, while playing, you can activate the cheat console by pressing tilde and type any of the following cheat codes. Locate the WarInput.ini file from your My Documents folder and open it with Notepad.Įxample Vista: DocumentsMy GamesGears of War for WindowsWargameConfigWarInput.ini

Gears of war 1 pc